
being in recovery

Nah, not THAT kind of recovery. Recovering from the fallout from the pneumonia treatment. Been working on a major overhaul of my website which I hope to have finished before I have to go back to work and I have been spawning these little handstitched color studies - one for each bout of malarial like fevers I have been enjoying along with the most vile medication. They are more than color studies, these Rothko Puppies. I am exploring that magic line where the colors meet and vibrate together to make something new, something ethereal. They are difficult to photograph accurately so I am relying on scanning them. Maybe tomorrow. My strength has taken a hike and my favorite place these days is in between clean sheet...The bed heaped with my raw materials - fabric, thread, scissors and pins. And of course, for the attention deficit section of my brain, non-stop Law & Order/ER and a five pound tub of Model Magic. These are actual size.

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