
Why the Garden Won't Grow

Tonight - GO BO!

Now I know what's keeping my vine garden from getting out of the dirt and up onto the trellis. Those are climbing nastustiuns, moonflowers and golden trumpet vines trying to grow. And That's her Highness, Madame Karma on her throne.

I'll be offline and gone until Monday or Tuesday (and don't want to lug the laptop with me) I'm very fortunate to be heading out for the SAQA conference in Athens, Ohio which conincides sweetly with the opening of Quilt National 2005 at the Dairy Barn. Posts aplenty when I get back.


Balwearie said...

Ohhh... it's your gardening "assistant" this time, eh? I've got one of those. She's particularly good at keeping anything and everything away from the birdfeeder. Fortunately her hot spot throne these days is the stone bench in the middle of the garden. Perhaps this weekend I'll get a picture of that.

Elle said...

Cute kitty!