
There's Nothing Like a Deadline....

to kickstart creativity.I finally got the biggest piece I started up at Arrowmont sandwiched and ready to quilt. The quilting design came to me in a dream last night after I sat and stared at it for an hour fortunately doing nothing. I also finally got "Typo Final" to UPS yesterday to be a part of "Apres Ski" at the King's Corner Cafe Gallery thank you very much, Mary McRea.
Then there's always that burst of procrastination activity that the rest of the world benefits from. I have been looking around my house in horror wondering where to begin. I will probably go outside and start burning leaves.In New York that's a heavenly smell that triggers rivers of memories. Down here in Georgia it plain stinks - a matter of different vegetable matter, I'm sure.
Classy exit, Tom Brokaw.

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